The day I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived: I’m in contract to have Whirlwind published!  Next week I should have a few more details to share with you, and will announce the expected release date as soon as I am able.  For now, I can hardly sit still, I’m so excited!

You may already know that I’ve been working on this project for quite a while.  After so long, and having been through the thrill of being asked for pages and the disappointment of receiving multiple rejections, I thought that receiving “the call” – or in this case, “the email” – wouldn’t be that big of a deal.  I was wrong.

I didn’t scream when I got the email – I was in the middle of a bustling restaurant at the time.  Okay, so I might have let out an overly enthusiastic “YES!” and pounded my fist on the table so hard that several heads turned in my direction…my son immediately asked if my hand was okay.  I did not jump up and start dancing, though (I was on the inside seat in the booth – that probably saved me from making a total fool of myself!).

The best part was that my husband, who’s been my rock and partner for over 19 years, was sitting across from me.  He’s been amazing, building me up when I was sure I’d never reach this point, and cheering me on as each positive milestone was reached.  He was the first to know, and the first to congratulate me.  I love him so much!

The next emails were to the two people to whom the book is dedicated.  Two women who’ve been behind me and there for me through all the ups and downs.  They, and my husband will be the first to receive signed copies (though I’ll sign as many as I can).

The full weight of the moment didn’t really arrive until I called my mother, though.  Speaking the words “I sold my first book,” I nearly broke down in tears.  I hesitate to compare it to announcing my first pregnancy, but honestly, the emotion was nearly the same.  I still get a little choked up thinking about it!

Just like a pregnancy, this is just the beginning.  To birth this literary child of mine, I will spend the next weeks editing, polishing, and working with the staff to develop the extra material that is included in the book, not the least of which is the cover.  “Birth day” will come when the book goes up for sale.  Excitement, fear, and extreme joy are all wrapped up in that date…and I can’t wait to share it with you!

For now, my face is stuck in ear-to-ear grin mode 😎  And now that I’m home, I am dancing…much to the embarrassment of my children! Let’s celebrate!


Filed under Publishing

6 responses to “I SOLD MY FIRST BOOK!

  1. Congratulations! That is wonderful news. You are living every aspiring writer’s dream!

  2. Kat

    ROBIN! You are completely awesome! I can’t wait for Whirlwind to get out there, because we all need a little more Jason in our lives! Congratulations, hon. I am so SO SO happy for you!

  3. DeJarnett Robin

    As you can tell, I’m just ecstatic! And now I can get on your Author Blog Hop, too, Lisa S! Woo Hoo!!!

  4. Congratulations! I’m so excited for you and I can’t wait to read Whirlwind!! Yeah, baby!!!

  5. killianmcrae

    Triple woot! That’s right: TWoot!

  6. Lisa

    Robin, This is so exciting and I totally teared up while reading it! I can only imagine how close to your heart you carry this story! Yes, so much like a child! Congratulations!


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